What's the one idea that's going to make people buy from you / your business?
Recently, the WARP team was chatting with a few new clients:
Client A – Runs a 7-figure wine business 🍇
Client B – Runs an audio digital product business 🎼
Client C – Runs a gym, trying to scale to 6 figures a month 🏋♀
Interestingly, we found ourselves having the exact same conversation with these 3 clients.
The conversation: “What’s the one idea that’s going to make people buy from you / your business?” 🧐
When these clients came to us for marketing help, they all knew they needed to build a great online sales funnel, but didn’t know where to start or what to do.
When a client comes to us in this situation – It usually means they’ve got a solid product / service, but they have no idea what direction to take in their digital marketing. 🤔
And before my team jumps into execution, before doing anything else, we first try and figure out –
“What’s the one idea that’s going to make people buy from you / your business?”
This concept is simple to understand on the surface, but hard to nail down well.
On the surface, nailing that one idea may seem like “branding”, or “positioning”.
But going deeper, what we tell clients is –
If you’re going online, and you’re in a space that’s already saturated, we’re going to need to figure out what’s the ONE thing that’s going to make people choose you over all other readily available options.
And here are some of the traps we’ve seen businesses fall into when it comes to figuring this out.
❌ Digital Marketing Trap #1 – Businesses want to say too many things online. ❌
They have different service / product offerings.
They have various benefits / strengths they want to focus on.
In the midst of trying to say everything, they end up quite lost trying to put everything together.
What we tell clients is scrap that – It doesn’t really matter if you have many things you want to say.
In fact, what will make the campaign succeed might not even be one of the things you want to focus on! (More on this below)
Yes, we need to have a clear idea of all the strengths of the business or product.
Yes, these strengths will have to be highlighted and focused on in the marketing.
Beyond that… There is usually 1 main driver of successful campaigns.
1 thing that if you can make your audience believe, they will definitely buy from you.
1 idea to rule them all. 💍
So, how do businesses find this 1 idea?
The trick here…
Is actually not to focus on the business, but to do a 180 and focus on the market instead.